Sunday, March 29, 2009

First Club Ride of Spring....

We saddled up our bikes and headed out on the first Club ride of spring. Although we didn't have as much sunshine as we wanted, it turned out to be a pretty great day for riding.

The roar of the bikes really gets one back into the spirit of riding. Below are some pictures from yesterday's ride. Here's to many more rides and great times this season!!


SofJPrez said...

Another perfect day in Oregon, "It's the Climate" Any day we can ride DOES make it a perfect day! Thanks Sammie for the pictures again.

Anonymous said...

Sammie... awesome job... so timely too after a long evening... however... FRIST?
Let you slied this time... nice slide show... great day...

Anonymous said...

oops... let you Slide... not slied..